Clinical Care Case Study
Recurrent Mouth Ulcers – Behcet’s Disease

Ms X was in her 20’s when she started to get mouth ulcers that came and went. She was otherwise well. Over time the mouth ulcers became more of a nuisance and during one very bad episode when she had throat ulcers she went to see her GP. A specialist Oral Medicine opinion was asked for. The pattern of ulceration was unusual, but there was nothing else at that time to suggest involvement elsewhere in the body. Ms X was told what other signs and symptoms to look out for. When she developed a localised painful skin rash and an episode of genital ulceration she knew to get in touch with the Oral Medicine team for an early appointment. A diagnosis of Behcet’s Disease was made. Multidisciplinary care was initiated with a range of treatments started for the mouth and other sites involved.
To find out more about this condition read the Patient Information Leaflet (PiL) prepared by the Society on Recurrent Oral Ulceration.