The BISOM Annual Scientific Meeting 2019

The BISOM Annual Scientific Conference will take place at the Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd May 2019.

Overview of awards and bursaries 

BISOM Oral Presentation Original Investigation – £250

  • An original investigation that may be basic science, translational research or clinical audit
  • 10 minute oral presentation with 5 minute discussion.

BISOM Oral Presentation – Case Report – £250

  • A clinical case discussion.
  • 10 minute oral presentation with 5 minutes discussion.

BISOM Poster Prize – Original Investigation – £125

  • An original investigation that may be basic science, translational research or clinical audit.
  • Poster without formalised discussion.

BISOM Poster Prize – Case Report – £125

  • Poster without formalised discussion.

Bursaries offered:

Four bursaries each worth £250 will be awarded to the presenting author of the four top scoring abstracts, regardless of category, attending the conference. The purpose of these bursaries is to offset the costs incurred in preparing for and attending at the conference. To avail of these bursaries individuals should be current BSOM members and have been in good standing for at least a one-year period prior to the Bristol meeting. (Good standing will be confirmed by the Honorary Treasurer).  The bursary will be awarded on presentation of all receipted expenses incurred in relation to the conference and will be awarded after the conference.

1. Eligibility

  • Any member of BISOM who is not a Fellow is eligible as long as they are in good standing for at least the one year period immediately prior to the relevant Annual Scientific Meeting.
    • Good-standing will be confirmed by the Honorary Treasurer.
  • The submitted abstract should not have been presented at any other Oral Medicine meeting. g. Northern Oral Medicine Meeting, BISOM Winter Meeting, EAOM, AAOM. The submitting author will be asked to make a declaration on the submission form confirming this.
  • Entry to all prizes and bursaries is automatic once the Presentation Committee has accepted the abstract unless:
    • The author explicitly states that they do not wish to be considered for any award.

2. Selection of Abstracts

  • Abstracts must be submitted using the standardised abstract form for the meeting in question.
  • An abstract can include multiple authors with the presenter marked with an asterisk. It is only the presenter who will be considered for, and may win an award.
  • All abstracts submitted for the Meeting will be considered anonymously by the Presentation Committee

3. Presentation Committee

  • A Presentation Committee will be formed for each Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • The Presentation Committee membership:
    • Will be drawn from the membership of the Society.
    • Will be a minimum of 7 representatives who plan to attend the relevant meeting including :
      • A Fellow from the unit organising the Meeting.
      • Two Fellows from other units (one of who will act as Chair).
      • A Fellow-in-Training.
      • A Member.
    • Will include at least one Council member.
    • Will operate to a time-frame determined by the Meeting organiser.
  • Each submitted anonymised abstract will be assessed and scored independently by each Presentation Committee member using a standardised rating form.
  • The abstracts will be ranked according to the scores achieved:
    • Oral Presentations will be offered to the highest scoring abstracts that match the available number of presentation slots available in the relevant session.
    • Poster Presentations will be offered to other abstracts that have been accepted, but that have not scored highly enough to be offered an oral presentation.
    • Authors of abstracts that have been rejected will receive feedback if requested.
  • Delivery of an Oral or Poster presentation will be recorded by a certificate given to the author(s) after the meeting has been made.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest should be raised with the Chair of the Committee or the President of the Society in a timely fashion.

4. Assessment of Awards

  1. The Presentation Committee will assess the abstracts submitted for awards with the Fellow from the organising unit expected not to be involved in the assessment process during the meeting.
    • The Oral Presentations will be independently assessed by three members of the Presentation Committee using a standardised assessment form.
    • The Posters will be independently assessed by three members of the Presentation Committee (usually excluding the Fellow from the unit organising the Meeting) using a standardised assessment form.
  2. The Committee members undertaking the assessment should meet in a timely fashion to reach their final decision.
    • An award may be divided between two entrants and awarded jointly (with any monetary value divided equally).
    • An award may be withheld if it is determined by the assessors that this is appropriate.
    • The final decision should be promptly communicated to the President of the Society or their nominated deputy.
  3. Any potential conflicts of interest should be raised with the Chair of the Committee or the President of the Society in a timely fashion.

5. Announcement of Awards (Prizes and Bursaries)

  • The announcement of the awards should normally be made before the end of the Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • A certificate.
  • Announcement on the BSOM website.

6.  Other Issues Arising

  • Any other issues (such as potential conflicts of interest or complaints) arising in relation to these awards should be raised at the earliest opportunity with the President of the Society and will be considered by Council, whose decision is final.
  • Council reserves the right to amend the regulations at any point including the withdrawal of an award.