New book: Trigeminal Neuralgia and Other Cranial Neuralgias
Trigeminal Neuralgia and Other Cranial Neuralgias: a Practical and Personalised Holistic Approach is a new book edited by Prof J.M. Zakrzewska and Prof T. Nurmikko, published April 2022.
It features:
- Patient histories used to illustrate the key features and management for each chapter
- Representation from all the medical and dental specialties, as well as psychologists, patients and a visual artist
- Summarisation with key points at the end of each chapter, with questions to test understanding.
Joanna M. Zakrzewska is a Professor of Pain in Relation to Oral Medicine at the UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Turo Nurmikko is Honorary Professor at the Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.
Zakrzewska and Nurmikko – Trigeminal Neuralgia and Other Cranial Neuralgias flyer