Clinical Care Case Study
Sore Mouth – Erythema Multiforme

Master X was 10 years old when he developed a very painful mouth and lips that made him miserable. Within 2 weeks everything had returned to normal. All was fine for 3 months before another similar attack happened during a family holiday. The lining of the mouth was ‘full of ulcers’ and the lips sore. A referral was made for a specialist Oral Medicine opinion and at the time of the appointment the mouth and lips were normal. A working diagnosis of possible oral erythema multiforme was made. This was confirmed when a further attack happened a few months later. On this occasion, there were also typical skin lesions. The management options were discussed and the treatment that suited Master X was identified. He did not experience any more attacks.
To find out more about this condition read the Patient Information Leaflet (PiL) prepared by the Society on Erythema Multiforme.