Dry Mouth – Sjögren’s Syndrome
Mrs X had become aware that her mouth had become very dry over a number of years. Many foods were difficult to swallow without a drink. An Oral Medicine specialist opinion was asked for. From the history, examination and investigations a diagnosis of Sjögren’s Syndrome was made. This was affecting the patient in other ways…
Read MoreDark Patch on the Inside of the Cheek
Miss X had noticed that there was a dark mark with a white pattern involving the inside of her right cheek. She wasn’t sure how long it had been there. There wasn’t any pain or other symptoms. A specialist Oral Medicine opinion was sought. From the history and examination there were no immediate concerns. A…
Read MoreDiscoloured Tongue
Mr X was distressed by the appearance of the top of his tongue, which had been discoloured for a few months. He tried various treatments without success. A specialist Oral Medicine opinion was sought. Nothing of immediate concern was identified at the clinic. The nature of this unusual situation was discussed with the patient who…
Read MoreTongue – Changing Appearances
Mr X was in his mid-30’s when he noticed that the appearances of the top of his tongue were changing from day-to-day. There were also ‘cracks’ which he didn’t remember being there before. Some days Mr X was experiencing soreness from the sides of the tongue. He had just stopped smoking and was concerned about…
Read MoreMouth Ulcers and Lip Swelling
Mr X had been troubled on-and-off by mouth ulcers since being a teenager. When he was in his 20’s Mr X began to experience episodes of lip swelling that would come on over a few hours and then settle within days. These were attributed to an allergy. Over the next few years the lip swelling…
Read MoreSudden Onset Painful Mouth Ulcers – Herpes
Mr X returned home from holiday with a ‘mouthful’ of very painful ulcers and swollen lymph glands in his neck. An urgent specialist opinion in the Oral Medicine clinic was arranged. Special tests confirmed the clinical diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus infection. Symptomatic treatment was provided and the ulceration settled. The patient was counselled and…
Read MoreRecurrent Mouth Ulcers – Behcet’s Disease
Ms X was in her 20’s when she started to get mouth ulcers that came and went. She was otherwise well. Over time the mouth ulcers became more of a nuisance and during one very bad episode when she had throat ulcers she went to see her GP. A specialist Oral Medicine opinion was asked…
Read MoreRecurrent Mouth Ulcers
When she was 45 years old Mrs X started to get episodes of mouth ulcers every few weeks. These were painful and affected what could be eaten and drunk. At times it was difficult to speak, especially if there was an ulcer on the side of the tongue. The situation was affecting her work as…
Read MoreSore Mouth – Erythema Multiforme
Master X was 10 years old when he developed a very painful mouth and lips that made him miserable. Within 2 weeks everything had returned to normal. All was fine for 3 months before another similar attack happened during a family holiday. The lining of the mouth was ‘full of ulcers’ and the lips sore.…
Read MoreSore Mouth – Pemphigoid
Mrs X had been troubled by a painful mouth for several years and she was fed-up. A biopsy report from a few years ago concluded that the oral ulceration was ‘non-specific’. Topical treatments did not help. After review with her GP a referral was made for a specialist Oral Medicine opinion. In addition to the…
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